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Relèer for overvåking av 3-fase nett

Nettovervåkingsrelèet DPA52 er en enkel nettvakt som registrerer at alle faser er tilstede og med riktig fasefølge. Det kan benyttes på nominell nettspenning fra 3x230VAC til 3x480VAC. DPB52 har justerbare grenseverdier på over- og underspenning, justerbar tidsforsinkelse og valgbar nominell nettspenning.
High reliability in very compact dimensions.
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Lainate, July 2017 – Carlo Gavazzi Automation, the international electronics group with activities in the design, manufacture and marketing of electronic equipment, today presents the new 3-phase monitoring relays DPA52 and DPB52.
The main purpose of these two devices is to protect loads from wrong phase sequence and phase loss.
The DPB52 additionally provides protection against overvoltage and undervoltage, including the possibility of setting a delay on the alarm.
Thanks to the low profile DIN housing, it is possible to install these monitoring relays in industrial cabinets as well as in electrical distribution NORM panels.
One of the most important advantages of these relays is the switch mode power supply, which filters and minimizes any harmonic distortions, preventing devices from overheating and most of all preventing failures and false alarms which could lead to unexpected machine downtime.
“These 3-phase relays provide increased immunity against superimposed harmonics, disturbances and transients on the mains while also reducing power consumption,” says Mark Wilkinson – International Product Manager. “With this launch we are further expanding our range of products so as to meet the different requirements coming from the market.”
Developed by our Competence Centre in Italy, the DPA52 and the DPB52 3-phase monitoring relays are designed to be used in specific markets such as HVAC, Lifts and Escalators, Materials Handling and Water Treatment, generally in all applications where motors are used and it is necessary to constantly monitor their operation to prevent damage, lifetime shortening and/or injuries to users.
Main technical features
• 125VLL to 624VLL (208V -40% to 480V +30%)
• Operating frequency from 45 to 65Hz
• 17.5mm wide – DIN rail mounting (1 DIN Module for NORM panels)
• Screw terminals
• Alarm LED with type of alarm indication
• Switch mode power supply