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Dobbelt DC-rele til overvåking av to underspenningsnivåer
Dobbelt underspenningsrele til overvåking av to underspenningsnivåer. Releet er svært godt egnet i farlige miljøforhold innen olje- og gassinstallasjoner og landbruksindustrien til f.eks. kornsiloer.

Designed according to the Class I, Div. 2 classification for hazardous location installations, this relay is suitable for applications where this compliance is mandatory.
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Lainate, October 2017 – Carlo Gavazzi Automation, the international electronics group with activities in the design, manufacture and marketing of electronic equipment, today presents its new monitoring relay DUB72D724EX.
The main advantages of this monitoring relay are the presence of 2 set levels and 2 outputs, which allow the use of one as a pre-alarm and the second one as an alarm.
Thanks to the high powered electromechanical 20 A relay, the second threshold / relay can be used to directly disconnect the battery or load. Its low-profile DIN housing can fit into electrical distribution panels as well as into industrial cabinets.
The Class I Div. 2 compliance, according to the ISA12.12.1 Norm, makes the DUB72 suitable for installation in zone 2 of potentially explosive environments. The PCB tropicalization increases operational reliability also in humid and dusty environments.
“The aim of this launch is to provide a device able to prevent brownouts in 24 V supplied systems in any kind of environment, including hazardous ones,” says Mark J. Wilkinson – International Product Manager. “This is the reason why this product will enable us to fulfil a need in the Oil & Gas and Agriculture markets, where presence of flammable or explosive gases or dusts may occur”.
Developed by our Competence Centre in Italy, the DUB72D724EX, due to its explosion proof classification, has been specifically designed for Oil & Gas and Agriculture applications, where grains or other flammable materials are present and where brownouts may cause downtimes and/or on site service.
Main technical features
• Dual under voltage monitoring
• 2 independent relay outputs
• 1 x 3 A output + 1 x 20 A output
• 24 V self-supplied from measured voltage
• Measured range from 16 VDC to 26 VDC
• Class I Division 2 of the ISA12.12.1 hazardous location installation norm approved